Plant-Based Meat Manufacturing Capacity Shortage in Europe 2020 - 2030

Rainer Kravets
80% available

The article: “Plant-Based Meat Manufacturing Capacity Shortage in Europe 2020 - 2030”

Fundamental Justification

What outcomes were to be expected before you started the project? What were unusually good and unusually bad possible outcomes? (Please avoid hindsight bias and take the interests of all sentient beings into account.)

It was expected that the analysis would contribute to building awareness about potential shortage of structured plant protein in Europe and would therefore increase the funding and number of new factories built. Unusually good possible outcome: because of the post enough new factories would be built by 2030 to satisfy all of the projected demand. Unusually bad possible outcome: analysis overestimates the size of potential demand (or underestimates current capacity) and new factories that will be built because of the analysis will not have enough demand and will go out of business.

What actual outcomes are you aware of?

None to this date

Who can make a legitimate claim to a fraction of the impact, and have you talked to them?

Not at this point

Who are the current owners of the impact and what fraction do they each own?

Rainer Kravets (50%) and Peter Bolinder (50%)

Procedural Questions

What is your minimum valuation under which you’ll not sell any shares in your impact?

200 USD

What would you have done had there been no chance to get retro funding? (This helps us assess our impact but has no effect on our evaluation of the certificate’s impact.)

Would still have done this analysis

What can we improve about this process?

As of 2022-06-30, the certificate of this article is owned by Rainer Kravets (50%), and Peter Bolinder (50%).

Right to retroactive fundingWork: 2022-04-01 to 2022-06-23Impact: all time, unscopedNo audit