A Few Terrifying Facts About The Russo-Ukrainian War

Dony Christie
Great power conflictNuclear security
90% available

I wrote a post highlighting the escalation happening between Russia and Ukraine.

Benefits: Alerted people on LessWrong to the current Ukraine situation in a way that hopefully summarized the parts that make it a particularly concerning case of apparent brinksmanship.

Costs: Maybe made people spend hours worrying about this over nothing.

I am going to track the impact allocation of this certificate manually until we've got the tracking of shares set up.

Dony Christie -> 100%

(I need to confirm that this is in fact true I am 100% the owner of the post as a norm that we want to promote vs 'oh hey turns out LessWrong owns a bit for hosting the post' or 'Vladimir Putin owns a bit for having made the whole thing happen' or 'each news article I read owns a bit' or 'literal God has had a hand in this certificate')

Right to retroactive fundingWork: 2022-09-30 to 2022-09-30Impact: all time, unscopedNo audit